Standardizing Assessment Model Output


This article describes the process behind developing the asar::convert_output function and its setup so users who want to use asar or stockplotr are still able until convert_output.R includes functionality for other models.

Additionally, after following this article, users who use it to manipulate their assessment model output are encouraged to submit a pull request or issue to use as an example to include in the function. This collaboration will not only allow us to expand the converter to include many assessment models, but also do it much faster.

The converter was designed so that it would manipulate the output file from the assessment (Report.sso for SS3, .rdat from BAM…). This means that we have only configured it to work with a singular output file so the converted data frame is limited to the data given to it from that file. We have plans to expand upon this format to include other data files associated with running the model, but this will not happen in the near future.

A visual showing the process of the convert_output function in asar.
A visual showing the process of the convert_output function in asar.

Set up and format

The converter manipulates data sets by recognizing patterns based on the assessment model (SS3, BAM, etc.) and organizes it by expanding all data as single columns. This makes the data frame more machine readable allowing users to plot the data or place it into tables. The format also helps us as developers create other standardized procedures and automation due to its ease of use.

The data is manipulated to follow the format in @tbl-cols. The majority of the code in the function is specific for how one would manipulate the output with the following exceptions. The code in the converter creates an empty data frame with the columns referenced in @tbl-cols (See code). At the end of the function, standard naming conventions are applied to rename labels of parameters or quantities as followed in @sec-namecon. Currently, we have files to use as examples to change the names of labels following our convention. One of the example files can be downloaded here. The final data frame is saved as a csv or exported to the users environment if assigned.

## # A tibble: 6 × 33
##   label            estimate  year fleet sex    area growth_pattern module_name  
##   <chr>               <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>        
## 1 spawning_biomass  2017090  2016    NA <NA>     NA             NA DERIVED_QUAN…
## 2 spawning_biomass  2286740  2017    NA <NA>     NA             NA DERIVED_QUAN…
## 3 spawning_biomass  1972500  2018    NA <NA>     NA             NA DERIVED_QUAN…
## 4 spawning_biomass  1633220  2019    NA <NA>     NA             NA DERIVED_QUAN…
## 5 spawning_biomass  1509990  2020    NA <NA>     NA             NA DERIVED_QUAN…
## 6 recruitment       2251210  2016    NA <NA>     NA             NA DERIVED_QUAN…
## # ℹ 25 more variables: uncertainty_label <chr>, uncertainty <dbl>, time <dbl>,
## #   season <dbl>, subseason <dbl>, age <dbl>, len_bins <dbl>, initial <lgl>,
## #   likelihood <lgl>, gradient <lgl>, estimated <lgl>, bio_pattern <dbl>,
## #   birthseas <dbl>, settlement <dbl>, morph <lgl>, type <chr>, factor <lgl>,
## #   platoon <dbl>, month <lgl>, sexes <lgl>, part <lgl>, bin <lgl>, kind <lgl>,
## #   nsim <lgl>, age_a <lgl>

The data frame is structured in following the convention of FIMS but removing the use of S4 or S3 data frame classes encouraging a more user friendly set up to start. The following format outlines the standard data frame:

Column label Description
label standard name for the estimate/parameter/quantity (cha)
estimate the actual value for the estimate/parameter/quantity
module_name describes the category of data found in the original data - allows us and familiar users to validate the converter is operating correctly and the correct data is being pulled
year year of the data point if applicable otherwise NA
uncertainty uncertainty value (for estimates)
uncertainty_label label for the uncertainty value (i.e. se, sd, cv…)
{strata} a series of additional columns when stratification of the stock is present (fleet, age, time, area, season, sex, growth pattern)
likelihood if present, the likelihood value for the label; typically NA
initial the initial estimate input into the model associated with the label, if applicable

There are a variety of ways to stratify the stock. The current converter is built to recognize the following:

  • month
  • fleet
  • fleet_name
  • age
  • time
  • area
  • season
  • subseason
  • sex
  • sexes (only if indicating difference from above)
  • growth_pattern / gp
  • len_bins (length bins for length-at-age models or related length series outputs)
  • birthseas
  • settlement
  • morph
  • type
  • platoon
  • part
  • bin
  • kind
  • nsim
  • age_a


NA is present in any of the above columns if there isn’t an occurrence from the original assessment model output

Era was removed as a factor from SS3 converted output files since this is something that could be assumed due to the set up of the data

Naming Conventions

Another hurdle to tackle is naming conventions. We have attempted to create a standard naming convention system so that the same values are called each time no matter the assessment model. Unfortunately, this can’t be perfect, but there are approaches we took to standardize naming as best as we could. In terms of naming:

  1. Generally, labels and other strings are lowercase. Exceptions to this case only include commonly referred to fisheries acronyms such as biomass (B), R0, etc…
  • This does not apply to catch and fishing mortality since C and F are used in the R language (a common language used in fisheries). In these two cases, the terms are spelled out in lowercase and string case.
  1. Fleet names are inherited so they are easily called by the analyst familiar with the data.

  2. Labels with more than one word use string case (i.e. spawning_biomass).

  3. The full name is used for the label, unless there is a common and well known acronym for it such as spr, cpue, R0, or it is a point relative to a reference point (i.e. b_msy = Bmsy, b_b_msy = B/Bmsy)

  4. For labels specific to a stock or assessment model, they were kept in the converted output, but edited/expanded upon following the above conventions.

  5. In cases where a label could not be standardized, the same label was kept in the converted output. We hope that these remaining names can be standardized in the future through collaboration with the respective analysts using them.

Final Formatting

convert_output() exports data frames as a csv. While this is not necessary to the function of {asar} and {stockplotr} packages as a whole due to their setup, we recommend continuing this practice to remain consistent with the function.

The final data frame does not manipulate column typing (character, numeric, etc.). We have left that to the analyst or other functions since there can be conflicts within the estimates due to NAs. Ideally, all columns beside the following with remain as characters or factors and the following will be converted to numeric:

  • estimate
  • uncertainty
  • initial
  • likelihood

In conclusion, the final data frame should be very long with repeating years and factors to represent each point of data from the output file. Some metrics such as estimated stock-recruitment curve, weight-length relationship or other similar parameters are not currently in this function. There are also a number of “keywords” found in the SS3 Report.sso file that are not in the converted output file. We plan to update this in the future, but we prioritized the converter to contain information for plotting.

Helpful Functions to Mainpulate Data

The following functions were used in the convert_output() function that could be helpful for users replicating it for other assessment models:

  • dplyr::mutate
  • dplyr::case_when
  • dplyr::inner_join/dplyr::outer_join
  • tidyr::pivot_longer/tidyr::pivot_wider
  • tidyr::rownames_to_column
  • stringr::str_replace
  • stringr::str_remove
  • stringr::str_extract
  • tibble::rowid_to_columns
  • tidyselect::any_of/tidyselect::all_of